Tuesday, July 15, 2014

E-Learning System and Information

E-Learning or eLearning is the use of electronic media education technology  and information and communication technologies in education. E-learning includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning,
Information and communication systems, whether free standing or based on either local networks or the internet in networked learning, underly many e-learning process.
E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning. E-learning is suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in conjunction with face to face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used.
E-learning includes, and is broadly synonymous with, multimedia learning, technology enhanced learning computer based instruction computer managed instruction, computer based training, computer assisted instruction or computer aided instruction internet based training, web based training, Online education,  Virtual education, virtual learning environments, m-learning and digital education. These alternative names emphasize a particular digitization approach, component or delivery method.

Education Approach:.
The extent to which e-learning assists or replaces other learning and teaching approaches is variable, ranging on a continuum from none to fully online distance learning. A variety of descriptive terms have been employed to categorize the extent to which technology is used. For example "hybride learning" or "blended learning" may refer to classroom aids and laptops or may refer to approaches in which traditional classroom time is reduced but not eliminated and is replaced with some online learning. Distributed learning may describe either the e-learning component of a hybrid approach, or fully online distance learning environments. Another scheme described the level of  technological support as web enhanced web enhanced web supplemented and web dependent.

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